Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 2012: Magicians and Shamans

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Magicians, shamans, those with powers that confound our understanding, that seem to be drawn from some other world or time.  During this time when northern climes see their longest night, magic seems most easily believed.  So we bring you these tales of power, both dark and bright.

First, Jean Marie Ward reads an excerpt from from her novel, WITH NINE YOU GET VANYR (pronounced VAN-er) in which a sinister magician takes his evil too seriously--and the universe decides to do something about it.

LC Hu reads "The Witch's Death", a fairy-story style tale of a witch who captures her death on an old deer path and must decide what to do with him.

K. A. Laity offers us Shamans vs Aliens! her excerpt from a recent release, OWL STRETCHING, is an alternative history/science fiction/road trip retelling of the descent of Inanna with accidental shaman Ro Parker.

Julia Rios offers a meditation on compassion in her story, "Stone Heart."

And finally, I, your humble host, Justine Graykin,  will read a bit from Archimedes Nesselrode, a novel for adults who are weary of adult novels, soon to be released as an eBook from Double Dragon Publishing.  Ms. Vivian Mare is a housekeeper in the employ of an  artist who makes remarkable things, no one knows how, but the secret of their manufacture could be worth millions.  Having earned his trust, Ms. Mare is about to learn that secret.

Posted via email from The Broad Pod


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