Sunday, February 3, 2013

Broad Universe Annual Meeting

BU_Annual_Meeting_2012.mp3 Listen on Posterous
The Mother Board consists of Vice President Kimberly Long-Ewing, Treasurer Sunder Addams, Secretary Kristi Petersen Schoonover, also Vikki Ciaffone, Carma Spence, and Catherine Lundoff.  Listen in as President Trisha Wooldridge calls the annual meeting to order.  Find out more about what Broad Universe does for its members, what it costs, and what plans the organization has for the future.  Lots of good news and items of interest for this growing and dynamic group of awesome women.  Also lots of ways that you can get involved and help develop your skills and your network as you help other Broads promote their work.  They take questions from members and discuss the logistics of convention tables and readings.


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