(Icon borrowed from www.arisia.org - which is what most of this post is about.)
Two important orders of business - and they are a bit lengthy, so forgive me. :)
First, Bad-Ass Faeries 3: In All Their Glory is up for an award over at Preditors & Editors. Yay!! Please go vote? Here's the link!
Also, the Bad-Ass Faeries Official Website is up to vote on here:
Thank you!!
And for those of you who wish to stalk me at Arisia… well, you better eat your Wheaties! I've got 10 panels, one party I'm hosting on the same night as a party I also will attend. (Cloning mechanisms or time-turners make excellent post-holiday gifts!)
I also want to say that I'm extra-excited over my schedule, busy as it is, because EVERY panel that I'm on has at least one (if not MANY) people I love on it! I was so thrilled to see these line-ups, so you're in for quite a treat this year. :)
Without further ado, here it is:
Food Communicating Culture in Literature
Revere, Literature Track, Fri 5:00 PM,Duration: 01:15
How do writers communicate things about their cultures and characters via the food they use? What can you discern about cultures based on if they get their food in pill form, if they are vegetarian/vegan, omnivores, carnivores? How does the anatomy and physiology of your aliens or magical creatures dictate their food requirements? What about the terrain? Does the diversity of food culture - and what it communicates - on Earth get shown in literature?
Trisha Wooldridge mod, Stephanie Clarkson, John Bowker, Shira Lipkin, Larissa Niec
Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading
Hancock, Writing Track, Fri 8:00 PM, Duration: 01:30
Broad Universe is an international organization of women and men dedicated to celebrating and promoting the work of women writers of science fiction, fantasy and horror. Come hear samples of the works of several members of Broad Universe.
Trisha Wooldridge mod, Elaine Isaak, Justine Graykin, Renee Otis, Morven Westfield, Roxanne Bland, Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert, Kate Kaynak, Larissa Niec
Beyond Binaries 101: Exploring Gender Roles
Adams, Literature Track, Fri 9:30 PM, Duration: 01:15
How do science fiction, fantasy, and horror explore beyond our existing gender roles? How often do we see authors fall back on traditional gender roles or just flipping gender roles? Or how often do we do it ourselves? Who has created unique roles separate from gender or dealing with gender beyond binaries? What would we like to see?
Trisha Wooldridge mod, Greer Gilman, Steve Berman, Adam Nakama, Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert
The Future of School
Douglas, Fan Interest Track, Fri 11:00 PM, Duration: 01:15
Science fiction writers have often written about changes that technology might make to education, from the students' "desks" in Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game" to R.A. Heinlein's observations and critiques of education in his juvenile fiction. What kinds of alternate education exist now? How does emerging technology affect the learners of tomorrow? Will school still get out for summer?
David Nurenberg mod, John G. McDaid, W. "Ian" Blanton, Trisha Wooldridge, Kate Kaynak
Faeries of Color: Tales of the Fae Beyond Europe
Douglas, Literature Track, Sat 11:00 AM, Duration: 01:15
People often think of fairytales as stories from British or Western European cultures, but what about Asia and Central Asia? The Middle East? Africa? American Natives? All of these cultures have equivalent fairytales that address our human relationship to the wild/natural world and reflect important cultural elements that define a society's values. What are some things all cultures share in defining humanity, and what can fairytales teach us about the differences?
Vikki Ciaffone mod,Mary Catelli, David Sklar, Trisha Wooldridge, Tananarive Due
Take Back the Sci-Fi
Lewis, Literature Track, Sat 12:30 PM, Duration: 01:15
Sexual assault and rape frequently get used as symbolic plot devices, with no consideration of how sexual violence actually affects survivors and the people around them. Let's discuss books that accurately portray the repercussions of and recovery from sexual assault, as well as those that merely use it as a shortcut to character development, those that end up glorifying it, and how sexual violence can be written in a way that is true to the character and respectful to survivors.
Shira Lipkin mod, Genevieve Iseult Eldredge, Catt Kingsgrave-Ernstein, Ken Kingsgrave-Ernstein, Trisha Wooldridge
The Nature of Gender: Past, Present & Future
Carlton, Social Issues, Sat 8:00 PM, Duration: 01:15
What is gender? How much does environment contribute to one's gender orientation? At one time, two genders were considered the norm. Now there may be four, five or perhaps more depending on your definition. Will gender still have the same meaning in the future? Will it mean anything at all?
Bridget Joyce Boyle mod, Rabbit, Melissa Kaplan (Eustacia Vye), Michelle D'Entremont (Mijan), Trisha Wooldridge
What Women Want (in Their SF/F Females)
Adams, Literature Track, Sun 11:00 AM, Duration: 01:15
Many panels discuss what women's roles in SF/F are and ought to be, but what do female readers really want to see? How do women feel about "token" female friends in works like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? How do we feel about reimagining heroines like Alice, Arwen, and Maid Marion who are willing to pick up weapons and fight to achieve their destiny? Female readers, writers, and other SF/F creators will "let it all hang out" in this spirited panel!
Vikki Ciaffone mod, Genevieve Iseult Eldredge, Vonnie Carts-Powell, Trisha Wooldridge, Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert
Sexuality in SF/F
Revere, Fan Interest Track, Sun 12:30 PM, Duration: 01:15
Sexual situations in SF/F books, movies, and television are just as common as in every other genre. Does SF/F do it differently, better, or worse? What discussions of sexuality in SF are significant to read or see, and why? How is a sex scene in a SF/F story different from porn? Where is the line between good and poor taste?
Steve Berman mod, Meredith Schwartz, Genevieve Iseult Eldredge, Victoria Janssen, Trisha Wooldridge
Broad Universe PARTY!!!!
Trisha's Hotel Room - TBA! Sunday, 8PM, Duration: Till everyone's exhausted or we run out of food.
Find me for the info or check out the Broad Universe Table. :) (With this schedule, it will be hard to MISS me!)
Pi-Con PARTY!!!
Party Floor - Look for Flyers! Sunday, 8PM, Duration: Also, likely, until everyone's exhausted or the food runs out.
As I'm this year's Guest of Awesome for Pi-Con, it would be remiss for me to not mention and miss this one, too. I'll be bouncing between the parties Sunday night, so please come to both!! (Oh, and come to Pi-Con in Enfield, CT on August 26-28, too!!)
Other Cons: What Else is Out There?
Douglas, Fan Interest Track, Mon 2:00 PM, Duration: 01:15
Many of us know that there is more than just Arisia in the New England area for fans of Science Fiction--Boskone, Readercon, Anime Boston and NEFE--but what about elsewhere? Godzilla fans may be interested in G-Fest in Chicago. Or if Doctor Who is your preoccupation, then Gallifrey in Los Angeles may be more to your tastes. Then there's Balticon, Otakon, and Shore Leave in Maryland to consider. All fans are welcome to come and talk about the various cons they've attended.
Trisha Wooldridge mod, Rick Silva, Patrick Delahanty, Ellen Kranzer, Mimi Noyes
See ya' in Boston!!
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